Who We Are

Rooted in a series of conservation efforts by some of its members over the past three decades, Chelan Basin Conservancy (CBC) was formed in 2011 to be a permanent organization dedicated to protecting the splendid beauty of Lake Chelan. We are a committed grassroots group with the mission of promoting conservation and public access to Lake Chelan.

Meet our Board

Brian Patterson, Ph.D.

CBC President

Brian joined the CBC board in late 2020 and agreed to take over the role as President in May of 2021. In addition to his volunteer work for CBC, he is a member of the Rotary Club of Lake Chelan, a technical board member of the Lake Chelan Research Institute, a board member and co-founder of 911 Glass Rescue in Chelan, and sits of the boards of two other local nonprofits. He initially got involved in local environmental advocacy in 2018 when he noted that local municipalities were not enforcing State Environmental Policy Act requirements for new developments on legacy orchard lands contaminated with lead and arsenic, which led to his initial contact with CBC. He believes that the Chelan Valley can benefit greatly from an organization such as CBC, which can help to ensure that local natural resources, public health, and livability in the Valley are protected. Brian lives in Manson with his wife Debra and their cat Monty.

Lisa Garvich

CBC Vice President

Lisa Garvich – Vice President
Lisa joined the board to learn more about key conservation and development issues facing the Chelan Basin, and what she can do to help. Lisa retired from a 20 year career in the Fire Service where she had opportunities to establish and manage a number of fire and life safety programs. During her career she was afforded the opportunity work collaboratively with other professionals and agencies to increase awareness and engage others to take personal responsibility for protecting the things they value. Lisa feels this is equally true when it comes to protecting our environment and she sees her role with CBC as a way to help others become more engaged, understand what’s at risk and work together to preserve it.

Lisa moved to Chelan with her husband in 2010 and together they operated a small bed and breakfast before deciding to really retire. With more time to spare she enjoys time with kids’ grandkids, volunteering and making art and music.

Mary Bider

CBC Secretary

Mary is a retired teacher who discovered the Chelan Valley while traveling around the country in her 20s. She came back in her 50s, and found new construction and tourism in full-speed-ahead mode. Because of this, she became interested in ensuring public access to Lake Chelan, sustainable development, and protecting the quality of our beautiful lake.

Tony Crosetto

CBC Treasurer

Tony joined the CBC Board as Treasurer in November, 2021. Tony was raised in the Puget Sound region, and his family heritage is in Central Washington and the Teanaway Valley. He recently worked with the Washington Water Trust to restore in-stream flows in the Teanaway River, and worked with the Trust for Public Lands to preserve his family farm in the Teanaway Valley as open space for public use and enjoyment.

Professionally, Tony spent 40 years working at Boeing, primarily in Quality Assurance senior management before retiring in 2017. In retirement here in Chelan, he has worked at KOZI radio, and of course volunteers with CBC. He studied Electronics Technology and Electrical Engineering at the University of Alaska – Fairbanks, and at the University Of Washington. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from City University. Tony and his wife Sharon moved full-time to the Lake Chelan area in 2021, where they (along with their cat, Carl) have built their retirement home. He looks forward to supporting the goals & objectives of CBC, and preserving the natural beauty of this valley we all enjoy so much.

““Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

~ Margaret Mead

Chelan Basin Conservancy at the 2022 Chelan Earthday Fair

Brian Patterson from CBC and Phil Long from Lake Chelan Research Institute Interviewed at the 2022 Chelan Earthday Fair.

CBC Board memebers at the 2022 Chelan Earth Day Fair.
Left to right: Lisa Garvich, Tony Crosetto, Mary Bider & Brian Patterson

Get In Touch

Let us know what's important to you, keep up to date with what we are doing, and let us know how YOU want to get involved.

Reach out to CBC


Chelan Basin Conservancy
PO Box 1073
Chelan WA 98816

Copyright © Sep 16, 2024 | Chelan Basin Conservancy | All rights reserved