Improving Public Access to Lake Chelan

Written by: Mary Bider

Chelan Basin Conservancy is actively involved in advocating for more public access to Lake Chelan. Our current projects include supporting moves to provide small street end pocket parks for all to enjoy the lake, as we also continue to look for additional ways to provide more lake access.

These pocket parks will be located at street ends that were submerged when the Chelan Dam was constructed and the street ends around the lake became submerged (the current dam was finalized in 1927). The town of Lakeside deeded in perpetuity, the right of access, for itself and the public over the lands included within the boundaries of those portions of the vacated streets and alleys to Lake Chelan at all stages of water.

Along the lakeside from Chelan to Manson there are additional streets that were also submerged and are considered public access points. CBC has identified 21 such street ends in Chelan and at least six more in the Manson area. CBC is currently working to ensure the public has access to as many of these points as possible.

The City of Chelan contracted with J.A. Brennan Associates to prioritize street end access points for potential improvement (see link below) and the City has approved access at North Park Street as the first location to be improved.

In a less formal arrangement, several street ends in Manson have also been identified by CBC and other local partners for improvement. The street end at Bennet Road has already been improved by local volunteers and we are working with the Manson Park & Recreation District and Chelan County to improve the street end on Quetilquasoon Road for public use.


Related Links:

Chelan Waterfront Access Plan Cost Analysis and Prioritization (August 2020)

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Chelan Basin Conservancy
PO Box 1073
Chelan WA 98816

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