Hello CBC Members,
I wanted to update everyone on a few things. First, during our very successful 2022 Chelan Earth Day Fair outing, we offered two raffles:
Overnight Stay at Sleeping Lady Resort in Leavenworth – This raffle was open to anyone at $10 per ticket. The board held a drawing and our lucky winner was Laurel Jamtgaard! Congratulations Laurel.
Beautiful Photo Printed on Metal – This raffle was for any new members who joined during the Earth Day Fair (we acquired 15 new members). The board held a drawing and our lucky winner was Barbara Soltess! Congratulations Barbara.
Both winners have been notified and we appreciate everyone’s participation.
I also wanted to let people know about an upcoming public meeting. As many of you are aware, the Lake Chelan Valley is growing rapidly, with numerous development projects related to both tourist accommodations and residential developments. Although current CBC policy is not to advocate for or against particular projects as a whole, we do have concerns about too much growth overwhelming existing infrastructure (particularly traffic) and the need to remediate contaminated legacy orchard lands when projects are located in such areas.
So much is happening right now that it prompted the Manson Community Council to organize a community meeting with representatives from the Chelan County Community Development Department. The Manson Chamber of Commerce has announced this meeting as follows, so I will just borrow their announcement:
Hosted by The Manson Community Council
TUESDAY MAY 31, 2022 @ 6:00 pm
North Shore Sowers Hall
123 Wapato Point Parkway
MANSON, WA 98831
This Manson Community Forum is primarily to get clarification and understanding on how Chelan County Community Development processes applications and determines an anticipated DNS [determination of nonsignificance], among other issues. Applications for large, high-density projects in our community are becoming more frequent and frankly, we lack understanding as a community on the processes that the County is using to come to their “anticipated DNS” on projects. We know the SEPA process is extremely important, and we are finding evidence the County has had, what appears to be, a very lax approach to issuing them.
This forum will also address concerns regarding traffic issues on Highway 150 that are becoming more serious every day and are of huge concern to our valley. (As Manson only has one viable and very narrow route in and out of town.)
I would encourage anyone interested in this topic to attend this meeting next Tuesday in Manson.
Finally, we are still working to get our CBC website updated. Although it is going slower than anticipated, the new look and feel is a positive change from the old website. We hope to get it finalized within the next couple of weeks. If you haven’t taken a look at the new CBC website under construction, please take a look at www.chelanbasinconservancy.org.
Thanks for your continued support,
Brian Patterson – CBC President