Chelan Basin Conservancy April 2022 Report – Apr 3, 2022/

Written by: Brian Patterson

Hello CBC Members,

Just a quick update on local happenings that may be of interest.

CBC will have a booth at the Chelan Earth Day Fair in Riverwalk Park on Saturday April 16th from 10AM to 4PM. Please stop by if you get a chance to say hi and see what we have going on. We will also be raffling off a one-night stay at the beautiful Sleeping Lady Resort in Leavenworth ( – tickets are $10 each and we will limit sales to a total of 40 tickets. We will also have a beautiful scenic photo printed on metal for sale. We hope to see you there!

We are working on a complete overhaul of CBC’s website ( We’re hoping to have a new landing page and some other content completed by the date of the Earth Day Fair, with further additions after that. Keep checking back to track our progress.

CBC has a new mailing address: P.O. Box 1073, Chelan, WA 98816.

CBC continues to advocate for additional public access to Lake Chelan. One area of focus has been on the street right-of-ways into the lake that were created when the lake level was raised in the 1920’s by the dam. These are public land. The City of Chelan is planning to develop the right-of-way at the end of North Park Street (near Peterson’s Resort) this year. Additionally, CBC has approached the Manson Parks & Recreation District about clearing out a street right-of-way in Manson to make it more accessible to the public. This will likely be completed using volunteer labor in April.

Finally, for those that haven’t heard, a new commercial development has been proposed just off of Highway 150 between Chelan and Manson (Bluewater Terrace).
Lake Chelan Now provides a summary in this article: The public comment period for the Notice of Application recently ended, but there may be additional opportunity for public input later in the process. Although CBC did not submit comments as an organization, some of our board members submitted comments as individuals.
Please reply to this email or contact us at chelanbasinconservancy@gmail.
if you have any questions or would like more information.

Brian Patterson – CBC President

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Chelan Basin Conservancy
PO Box 1073
Chelan WA 98816

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